
Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original abstracts which have not been published elsewhere and which are not currently under consideration for another journal, conference, or workshop.

Abstracts should clearly state the research question, methodology, and key findings or expected contributions. Submissions should not exceed 1 page of body and 1 page of references/figures, and must be formatted according to the LNCS Springer Template (available in .tex and .doc).

All submissions must be delivered in PDF format at with object “LSAI workshop submission”. Full names and affiliations of all contributing authors must be included in the email body.

Submission that do not comply with these requirements will receive a desk reject.

At least two reviewers will evaluate submissions on the basis of relevance, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity.

Accepted submissions will be presented by the authors during the workshop Abstract Panel.


The i-lex – Journal of Law, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence welcomes the submission of papers developed from the abstracts shared, discussed and presented at the Doctoral Workshop.